And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children... ― Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Educating the Heart, Soul, and Mind
No life can be more fulfilled than a life submitted to God.
Who Am I?
I am a Pastor’s wife, author, and second-generation homeschooler, and most important, I’m a child of the King. In 2003, I graduated from West Coast Baptist College with a BA in Secondary Education. My views on homeschooling and education are a reflection of a Biblical worldview, but I believe that what I share can be beneficial to homeschoolers of all backgrounds. Like all homeschoolers, I juggle a wide range of responsibilities along with homeschooling my four children. I am not perfect, infallible, or the ultimate authority on homeschooling. However, I have the advantage of being homeschooled since first grade, which is what I mean by “second-generation.” I can look back on what I experienced as a homeschooled child to help me better homeschool my own children. That is not to say I’m “better,” but simply have a unique perspective, being able to learn from my mom’s “mistakes.” To her credit, she had a much harder job. She was a pioneer, and I’m reaping the benefits of territory she already conquered. What she has given me, I hope to pass down to others who are navigating the sometimes murky waters of homeschooling for the first time.
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