Book Review: Logic’s End by Keith A. Robinson
A Novel About The Origin Of Life In The Universe
(The Origins Trilogy #1)

Modern science has now determined that one single cell of the human body is like a miniature factory more complex than a space shuttle.
Rebecca Evans, age 32, gets chosen to accompany the mission to planet 2021 PK in which they hope to find fossils, plants or other evidence of life however minute. Rebecca did not expect it to be abounding with actively evolving, intelligent creatures. Before long, she finds that her worldviews clash with the evidence she discovers on this violent planet.
I highly recommend this book for Sci-fi lovers. However, this is one of those that takes place predominately on a planet rather than in space, and I think many fantasy readers would enjoy it as well. At first I had difficulty keeping track of the many various creatures and their appearances. Thankfully the front of the book includes many awesome sketches I could reference. For this reason, I’m contemplating buying the paperback (I purchased it as an eBook.) Aside from that, the story is easy to follow and age appropriate for 13+.
Logic’s End challenges the view of evolution as the origin of life by presenting a planet that originated in that way. It shows what evolution would look like if it COULD be possible and really it shows that it IS impossible. It’s based on sound scientific and logical arguments, not religion. Who should read Logic’s End?
- Christians who believe God literally created the world in 6 days. It will strengthen your faith.
- Christians who believe in theistic evolution. It shows that the Biblical account meshes with science.
- Non-Christians who believe in evolution. It shows that faith and science are not opposed to one another.
One great quote in the book: “‘Real gold fears no fire.’ If a belief is true, it will withstand scrutiny.” If one is afraid to read a book that challenges their worldview, they should ask themselves, “Why?” Now I understand not wanting to read “preachy” books. I don’t either, not even ones I agree with. I just want to read a good story. Well, this book tells an entertaining story, and other than delving into science (as should be expected to some degree in sci-fi), it is not “preachy.”
If like me, you are at first disappointed by the “it was all a dream ending,” read just a little further and you will find that, no, it was far more than a dream. Maybe even more than a vision, because Rebecca has a physical scar and physical evidence of her journey. So what was it then? Clearly something supernatural, yet very real. Perhaps the other creatures never existed, except in this “vision,” but what Rebecca experienced was not imagined and Sikaris was a real messenger.
Finally, PLEASE do not skip reading the Afterward and the 5 following chapters. Here the author lays out in more depth the logical arguments against evolution touched on in the story. If you’re honest with yourself and willing to do your own research and soul searching, I think you will see that Creation is the only logical explanation for the origin of life. If you are willing to admit that, then the next logical step is to find the One who is the Creator.
This book was recommended to me for my teenage son, but since he was in the middle of another book, I jumped at the chance to read it first. I purchased this book as an eBook for Kindle and was not compensated in anyway by the author for this review.
You can read more about Keith A. Robinson and his books here.
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